13 May 2024
We all hate those long and boring presentations—all of us have been there, and we know exactly how it feels to be on the receiving end of one of those presentations. The thought of us being the ones creating them, let alone delivering them, is enough to give us sleepless nights. Prezlab is all about presentation design and fighting the death by PowerPoint and going to extreme lengths to turn average slides into blockbusters. In this blog, we wanted to share some insider secrets about how we do what we do.
Whether you are putting together a presentation for your university project, work, or even a fundraiser for a nonprofit, you want to make sure it has the impact it should have and that it sticks with your audience.
01 Know Your Audience 
The first step is to thoroughly understand your audience. Know for whom you are designing the presentation. We cannot stress this point enough. This will determine how much depth and technical detail you should go into with your slides.
To give a drastic example, you wouldn’t want to put together the same presentation for a group of high school students as you would for a group of startup founders and CEOs. To the best of your ability, try to figure out where your audience works and which industries they are in. A killer presentation for one type of audience could go completely bust for another.
02 Presentation Structure
Build on ideas by structuring your slides. If all the points you want to make are randomly tossed around without any structural sense, not too many people are going to enjoy your presentation, and neither will they remember it. Work on making sure that each new idea builds on the previous ones and that they connect in logical ways.
03 A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words
Using the right visuals, such as charts, graphs, and infographics are a great way to cement your ideas in the minds of your audience. As many as 65% of people are visual learners; therefore, using visuals ensures a more powerful impact on your audience. Showing 200% growth on a graph is far more impactful than mentioning it in words.
04 Repetition is a Good Thing When it Comes to Presentations
In our experience, it’s best to start the presentation with one key point or core message to set the stage and let the audience know what you will be arguing for. Then repeat this core message at least once within the presentation to reinforce it. And then finally repeat it at the end to wrap things up and ensure that your key message is what they see and hear last and therefore what they remember.
05 Have a Story to Tell
A story is a difference between an average presentation and a great one. Stories are much easier to remember since they have emotional hooks that hardwire the accompanying message into the audience’s minds.
If you want to see some of these points in action and watch an entertaining and highly insightful talk on How to get your ideas to spread then watch this talk by Seth Godin.
If you are looking for seasoned veterans who are experts in presentation design services in Dubai and across the GCC, hire us at Prezlab. We are also equally talented in branding, infographics design, video, motion graphics design, social media management, web design, and SEO.