15 July 2024
Just like stitching together different pieces to create a monster isn’t limited to science fiction novels, presentation decks often become frequent victims of this phenomenon. The Frankendeck is an unwisely recycled slide deck that can lead to disastrous consequences for business communication, causing clutter, confusion, and chaos. To save your deck before it’s too late, learn more about the dangers of the Frankendeck and avoid falling into this trap!
What is a Frankendeck?
In the shadowy realms of the presentation world lurks a dreaded phenomenon known as the Frankendeck. Named after Mary Shelley’s character, this monster is a set of dug-up presentation slides stitched together haphazardly to create a beast. It is born as a presentation, but as slides are repeatedly stitched and sewn into it, it becomes a nightmarish collage of cluttered and disjointed slides.
The dangers of reusing a presentation deck
Presentation decks are an important part of business communication; they share information, persuade, and build relationships. When used well, presentation decks can be an effective tool for achieving business goals; however, when neglected, they can become an obstacle.
Outdated information
Reusing any old presentation slides means that you risk presenting outdated, therefore inaccurate, information. This can be problematic, especially as you’re audience will come to expect accuracy and recent data from your presentation. Additionally, stale information will be irrelevant and may harm your credibility as an authority on the subject. Failing to take into account the evolving expectations of your audience may lead to misinformation, so it is crucial to prioritize frequent reviews and update your presentation deck with current and accurate information.
Inconsistent formatting
Reusing a presentation deck often results in inconsistencies in formatting and structure. When the colors don’t match, the fonts are small, and the theme is outdated, the result will be a poorly received, unprofessional, and difficult-to-follow presentation. Inconsistent branding will confuse and distract audience members, not to mention that it is another factor that could hurt your credibility. It is vital to initiate a thorough review to ensure a unified and polished presentation deck.
Unclear message
Recycling a presentation deck may result in a lack of a strong, cohesive message. Occasionally, a Frankendeck is created when various team members add more slides without removing any, which results in a cluttered slide deck that has lost the plot. And a presentation without a core idea is a presentation that wastes the audience’s time and leaves them with more questions than answers. To tackle this issue, a thorough review and editing are needed to consolidate the content and organize the main ideas.
Tips for avoiding Frankendecks
If you find yourself dealing with a potential “Frankendeck” presentation, there’s no need to panic just yet. Instead of deleting the entire file, consider these valuable tips to salvage your slides and create a polished and professional presentation:
Start with a clean slate
This might seem painful, but sometimes the best way to avoid a Frankendeck is to just start your presentation from scratch. That way, you can avoid creating any more inconsistencies and errors. When restarting your presentation deck, you can improve the layout and structure to be cleaner and clearer. Things to keep in mind are the main purpose of your presentation, the content and information, and using a logical sequence that helps the audience follow along.
Update and revise the information
If starting over is not practical, then focus on updating the slides to be relevant and accurate. Start by reviewing the content on each slide and cross-referencing it with your current data. If the information is outdated, either replace it or remove it from the presentation. Once you update all the slides, make sure to proofread and format the presentation to avoid any errors.
Redesign for visual appeal
After updating your slides, take the chance to redesign the deck for better visual appeal and ease of understanding. Maintaining consistency across all slides through a unified color palette, fonts, and formatting will enhance the overall professionalism of your presentation. Prioritize simplicity, ensuring that the content is easy to read and not distracting for the audience. Also, using a template like the one on our website can be a helpful starting point for creating an appealing and cohesive slide deck.
Preventing Frankendecks: Effective measures for the future
Even the best of us can fall victim to Frankendecks, but with some proactive measures, you can ensure your presentation decks remain coherent and professional.
Keep a master copy of your presentation decks
A crucial step in avoiding this type of presentation deck is to save master copies of all your presentation decks. These master copies should be unified and branded to serve as a reference point for any new presentations. So whenever you need to create a new presentation, the master copy can simply be copied and edited accordingly. This approach ensures consistency and reduces the risk of haphazardly assembled slide decks.
Create a template for your presentation decks
Another way to avoid a Frankendeck is to use a template for your presentation decks. Platforms like Prezlab offer brand-friendly templates that can provide a consistent and professional look for your presentations. By adhering to a template, you can steer clear of slides that do not align with your presentation’s overall message, maintaining a cohesive and polished look.
Define your objectives clearly
Having a well-defined purpose for your presentation is key to avoiding a presentation deck disaster. When your presentation has a clear message, it becomes easier to structure your deck in a coherent manner. Consider developing a presentation storyboard that represents your presentation and your narrative and aligns with the objectives you want to achieve. And once you know what you want your audience to walk away with, you can begin to eliminate any unnecessary content that doesn’t align.
Frankendecks, like the monster they’re named after, can be a presentation nightmare to deal with. They can dangerously undermine your business communication and damage your credibility, however, that does not mean that your slides cannot be salvaged. Saving your presentation deck from a Frankenstein fate relies on an attentive eye to keep updates ready and formatting consistent. Embracing these strategies keeps your slides fresh, coherent, and engaging.