Prezlab Story

Our Mission

To bring an
end to "Death by PowerPoint."

If you've ever created a presentation, you'll be able to relate to what's coming next.


Who we are

We are designers and storytellers who enjoy exploring, connecting, and experimenting with design to solve real-world problems.

Collage of Prezlab's employees in the office

Picture us as the following formula:

The Prezlab formula

We imagined a universe
where PowerPoint is loved.

When we first started, you could fit us around one dining table—a handful of creative warriors bound together by a simple yet vital mission: to bring an end to “Death by PowerPoint.”

Today, our team has grown to fill entire floors, and our mission has equally grown: we now offer so much more than presentations.

Prezlab's founders

What’s next for us?

Curved arrow

We'll continue to champion progress for presenters and storytellers everywhere, providing them with the right tools to transform their visuals and tell more compelling stories with confidence.
